Jewish Socialists Fight Back for Corbyn

We are seriously concerned at the rise of antisemitism, especially under extreme rightwing governments in central and eastern Europe, in the US under Donald Trump’s presidency and here in Britain under Theresa May’s premiership. The recent extensive survey by the highly respected Jewish Policy Research confirmed that the main repository of antisemitic views in Britain is among supporters of the Conservative party and Ukip.

This political context, alongside declining support for the Tories, reveals the malicious intent behind the latest flimsy accusations of antisemitism against Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour party. These accusations have come from the unrepresentative Board of Deputies and the unelected, self-proclaimed “Jewish Leadership Council”, two bodies dominated by supporters of the Tory party.

Between now and the local elections the Tories would love to divert the electorate on to accusations of antisemitism against Labour rather than have us discuss austerity, cuts to local authority budgets, the health service, and social care. Many Jews within and beyond the Labour party are suffering from these policies along with the rest of the population, and oppose them vehemently.

We have worked alongside Corbyn in campaigns against racism and bigotry, including antisemitism, for many years, and we have faith that a Labour government led by Corbyn and Labour-led councils across the country, will be best placed to implement serious measures against all forms of racism and discrimination.
David Rosenberg and Julia Bard
Jewish Socialists’ Group